Welcome To TruePoint Public Adjusters
Get You More!
do you have any damage to your property?
According to a government study using a public adjuster could result in a settlement over *700% higher than handling your claim alone...
Welcome To TruePoint Public Adjusters
Get You More!
do you have any damage to your property?
According to a government study using a public adjuster could result in a settlement over *700% higher than handling your claim alone...
Welcome To TruePoint Public Adjusters
Get You More!
do you have any damage to your property?
According to a government study using a public adjuster could result in a settlement over *700% higher than handling your claim alone...
Who we are
we help you get the best settlement, fast!
Trupoint PA are a group of Public Adjusters with a wide range of claims handling and negotiations skills. We have decades of combined, hands on claim settlement experience. and have served thousands of insureds in Florida.
We are well versed in dealing with residential and commercial property claims. We have staff located throughout Florida so that we may assist you on site with your claim.
Public adjusters are the only type of adjusters exclusively licensed to represent the interests of the policyholder. We work for you, not the insurance company.
Your insurance company has their representative watching out for their interests, isn’t it time you had your own claims expert working for you to insure the MAXIMUM payout you’re entitled to?

We will work tirelessly on your behalf and continually advise you as to your rights under your insurance policy.
We are here for you!
What we do
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Schedule your free consultation

Claim Types
We have extensive experience working with all types of property claims.

Our extensive experience has us understand the process before it even begins. We speak the language of your insurance companies and know how to navigate this complex process.
We submit all documentation in a timely manner and preserve all evidence assuring that you fulfill all of your post loss obligations and meet critical deadlines.
Our adjusters are licensed and bonded and receive on the job training and continuing education to stay up to date with industry trends and legislative changes.
Premium Support
You will have a dedicated claim specialist to answer any questions you may have and be your primary point of contact during this process. We will always get back to you in 24 hours or less.
Once you contact us, our team will be there at your call to evaluate and document the extent of the damage. We help you identify all possible property damages and available insurance coverages in order for you to have the correct evaluation.
File Your Claim
Once the evaluation is made, we then assist you in filing your insurance claim. We ensure that you include all damages in order for you to receive the correct payment. We are also able to represent denied claims, as our professionals help you to re-open the claim and get what is rightfully yours. If there is no recovery,
Receive Payment
You will receive your payment once, with your approval, we have settled your claim with your insurance company. There are no upfront or out-of-pocket expenses and remember, we do not get paid until you've been paid. If there is no recovery, there is no fee!